I worked for AT&T for 2+ years and though I met a lot of great people and learned a lot of new things, that job also took away the one thing that I valued most: my time. The new job allows me to have the ever popular 9-5 schedule which allows me to utilize my evenings and weekends strictly for playing music, seeing family/friends, and eating mexican food.
So you can really get an idea of who I am, here's a breakdown: I was born in India. I moved to the US when I was 7. I've lived all over the place but would call Stewartsville, NJ my home. I started playing drums when I was in 8th grade. I started playing guitar shortly after. I've always LOVED to write. My favorite colors would be a toss up between blue and black. I religiously eat mexican food. I have big goals and a group of small, elaborate steps to achieve them. I'm single. I'm busy. I'm going to keep moving forward. I will never stop.
I'm currently working on a few different projects, all of which will gain their momentum when the time is right. I've started writing a book. Soon, I will be taking up photography, it's always been fascinating to me. I have an alternative/modern rock project, an indie/pop/rock project, and a electronic rock project that i'm working on. I am also in the process of starting a small software company that focuses on creating applications for mobile devices.
This year is a big year for me. I'm 23 and i'm in that stage of my life where I can't quite justify being a kid and don't get taken seriously enough to be an adult. This year, I want to get these projects off of the ground. Soon, I want to make more money than i've ever dreamt of making and create a legacy, early in the game. I want to enjoy my life while I have the ability.
I really do appreciate everyone that took the time to read this and support me in all of my endeavors. I don't particularly hold on to things out of sentiment but I will never forget the people that are/were there for me on my way to the top.
Keep on keepin' on.
You're the only person on this planet that inspires me to write, and I can never thank you enough for that. Thank you :-)